Full Program (PDF) is available here!

For scientific paper sessions, regular presentations have 25 minutes (20 minutes presentation and 5 minutes QA) and short presentation S have 15 minutes (12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes QA).

For poster and demo session, please follow the Presenter Guidelines.

Sessions with icon offer CME Credits. People can attend keynotes and scientific sessions with that options and they will be invited by us to participate those sessions and claim 12 hours CME credits.

Saturday, June 11

  Suite 111 Suite 112 Suite 113 Suite 108 Suite 109 Suite 110 Virtual
7:30 AM
8:30 AM
Registration @Suite 104
Breakfast @Suite 104
10:00 AM
Doctoral Consortium
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
HI-Edu 2022
HealthNLP 2022
Machine Learning in Healthcare Data for Precision Medicine
10:30 AM
Coffee Break @Suite 104
12:00 PM
Doctoral Consortium
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
HI-Edu 2022
HealthNLP 2022
1:00 PM
Lunch @Suite 104
2:30 PM
Doctoral Consortium
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 2
HI-Edu 2022
3:00 PM
Coffee Break @Suite 104
4:30 PM
Doctoral Consortium
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 2

Sunday, June 12

7:30 AM
8:30 AM
Registration @Ballroom 1
Breakfast @Ballroom 3
10:00 AM
Welcome Session (8:30 - 9:00 AM)
Keynote: Towards Impactful Clinical Evidence Powered by Informatics and Data Science (9:00 - 10:00 AM)
Dr. Chunhua Weng
@Ballroom 2
10:30 AM
Coffee Break @Ballroom 1
12:00 PM
Analytics A1
ML Methodology
@Suite 109
Analytics A2
@Suite 110
Analytics A3
PGHD and Text Analytics
@Suite 111
1:00 PM
Lunch @Ballroom 3
2:00 PM
Keynote: Leveraging Digital Therapeutics for Health Literacy: A Systems Perspective
Dr. Rema Padman
@Ballroom 2
2:30 PM
Coffee Break @Ballroom 1
4:00 PM
Analytics A4
Healthcare Analytics
@Suite 109
System S1
Design and Development
@Suite 110
Human Factors H1
Human-centered Design
@Suite 111
5:30 PM
Poster & Demo Session
@Ballroom 1
6:00 PM
Ceremony/Banquet @Ballroom 2/3

Monday, June 13

7:30 AM
8:45 AM
Registration @Ballroom 1
Breakfast @Ballroom 3
Virtual Special Session
Women in Healthcare Informatics
@Suite 109
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Keynote: Designing Health IT to Support Team Cognition and Clinical Work: A Human Factors and Socio-Technical Systems Approach
Dr. Ayse P. Gurses
@Ballroom 2
10:30 AM
Coffee Break @Ballroom 1
12:00 PM
Analytics A5
Prediction & Classification
@Suite 109
Systems S2
Wearables & Monitoring
@Suite 110
Human Factors H2
Self Management
@Suite 111
1:00 PM
Lunch @Ballroom 3
2:30 PM
Analytics A6
Event Prediction
@Suite 109
Analytics A7
Visualization & Explainable AI
@Suite 110
Human Factors H3
AI-based Applications
@Suite 111
3:00 PM
Coffee Break @Ballroom 1
4:00 PM
Poster Session

@Ballroom 1
6:00 PM
Reception (Sponsored by Mayo Clinic Department of AI&I)
@Art Center

Tuesday, June 14

7:30 AM
8:30 AM
Registration @Ballroom 1
Breakfast @Ballroom 3
10:00 AM
Keynote Toward a Learning Health System: Enabling the National Knowledge Ecosystem at Scale
Dr. Blackford Middleton
Panel: Bridging the gaps between academia and industry for health informatics (9:30 - 10:00)
@Ballroom 2
10:30 AM
Coffee Break @Ballroom 1
12:00 PM
Industry Session
@Ballroom 2
12:30 PM
Close Session
@Ballroom 2
Grab & Go Lunch @Ballroom 3

Program Details

Saturday, June 11

Saturday, June 11, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM @Suite 111

Doctoral Consortium

  • 8:30 - 9:30 AM: Elevator speech exercise and presenta-tion.
  • 9:30 - 10:00 AM: Student presentations. Students should prepare a 7minute presentation discussing their research. We will have 3 minutes for questions.
    • Huixue Zhou, Developing Natural Language Processing to Extract Comple-mentary and Integrative Health Information from Electronic Health Record Data
    • Yang Ren, Improving Prediction and Risk Factor Analysis of Low-Weight-Birth Outcomes in a U.S. Hospital System
  • 10:00 - 10:30 AM: Coffee Break
  • 10:30 - 12:00 Noon: Student presentations.
    • Arif Ahmed, Health information delivery using audio
    • Zhongran Niu, Building Physical Activity Ontology from Electronic Health Records
    • Kurt Miller , Comprehension of Contextual Semantics Across Clinical Healthcare Domains
    • Zhecheng Sheng , NLP system for mining social determinant of health from clini-cal notes and its fairness evaluations
    • Michal Monselise and Christopher Yang, AI for Social Good in Healthcare: Moving Towards a Clear Framework and Evaluating Applications
    • Elizabeth Williams, Daniel Gartner and Paul Harper, Linking Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics of Elderly and Frail Patient Hospital Services
  • 12:00 - 1:00 PM: Lunch
  • 1:00 - 2:30 PM: Student presentations
    • Tianchu Lyu, Predict Pregnancy Outcomes in the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Electronic Health Records and Machine Learning Approach
    • Abhishek Aggarwal, Using a Social, Role-playing, Simulation-Game to Build Re-silience in Adolescents
    • Yuqi Wu, D-Dimer Elevation Matters to Predict COVID-19 Severity: A Machine Learning Approach
  • 2:30 - 3:00 PM: Coffee break
  • 3:00 - 4:30 PM: Faculty Panel.
    Moderator: John Holmes, University of Pennsylvania.
    • Jochen Meyer, OFFIS, Germany
    • Christopher Yang, Drexel University, USA
    • Pierangelo Veltri, University Magna Graecia of Catanza-ro, Italy
    • Hongfang Liu, Mayo Clinic, USA
    • Bill Hersh, Oregon Health & Science University, USA
  • 6:00 PM: Dinner at a local restaurant: Victoria
Saturday, June 11, 8:30AM - 14:10 PM @Suite 108

The 1st International Workshop on Health Informatics Education (HI-Edu 2022)

Zoom Zoom Link for Virtual Participants:

Workshop Chairs:
Leming Zhou, PhD,, University of Pittsburgh, US
Huanmei Wu, PhD,, Temple University, US

  • Keynote Speech (8:30 - 9:30 AM, 1 hour), William Hersh, MD, FACMI, FAMIA, FIAHSI, FACP, "Competencies and Curricula Across the Spectrum of Learners for Health Informatics"
  • Invited Talk (9:30 - 10 AM, 30 minutes): Huanmei Wu, "A Data-Driven Assessment of the U.S. Health Informatics Programs and Job Market"
  • Coffee Break (10:00 - 10:30 AM)
  • Paper presentations (10:30 AM - 12 PM)
    Accepted Papers (20 minutes each, 15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion)
    • Regina Merine and Saptarshi Purkayastha, (2022), "Risks and Benefits of AI-generated Text Summarization for Expert Level Content in Graduate Health Informatics"
    • Janusz Wojtusiak and Hua Min, (2022), "From Undergraduate to Doctoral Health Informatics Training: A Data Focus"
    • Jay Patel, Huanmei Wu and Bari Dzomba, (2022), "Think Outside of Box" - Ten Commandments in Providing Optimal Health Informatics Education
    • Daniel Gartner, Tracey England, Doris Behrens, Izabela Spernaes, Joanne Buchanan and Paul Harper, (2022), "Evaluation of Participants' Reaction and Learning in a Taught Analytics and Modelling Academy Program in U.K.'s National Health Service"
  • Lunch Break (12:00 - 13:30 PM)
  • Round table discussion (13:30 - 14:10 PM, 40 minutes):
    • Andrew Nguyen, Genetech/Roche
    • David Marc, College of St. Scholastica
    • Huanmei Wu, Temple University
    • Dilhari DeAlmeida, University of Pittsburgh
    • Cathy Fulton, Indiana University
Saturday, June 11, 8:30 AM - 12:10 PM @Suite 109

The 5th International Workshop on Health Natural Language Processing (HealthNLP 2022)

Zoom Zoom Link for Virtual Participants:

Workshop Chairs: Yonghui Wu, Hua Xu

All time in US Central Time

Time Presentation
8:30 - 8:40 AM Welcome to HealthNLP
Yonghui Wu, Hua Xu
8:40 - 9:00 AM Developing Pretrained Language Models for Turkish Biomedical Domain
Hazal Türkmen and Oğuz Dikenelli
9:00 - 9:20 AM Relevance of automated generated short summaries of scientific abstract: use case scenario in healthcare
Gregor Stiglic, Kasandra Musovic, Lucija Gosak, Nino Fijacko and Primoz Kocbek
9:20 - 9:40 AM Improving Sentence Classification in Abstracts of Randomized Controlled Trial using Prompt Learning
Yan Hu, Yong Chen and Hua Xu
9:40 - 10:00 AM Chemical-Protein Relation Extraction with Pre-trained Prompt Tuning
Jianping He, Fang Li, Xinyue Hu, Jianfu Li, Yi Nian, Jingqi Wang, Yang Xiang, Qiang Wei, Hua Xu and Cui Tao
10:00 - 10:30 AM Coffee Break
10:30 - 10:50 AM Annotating Music Therapy, Chiropractic and Aquatic Exercise Using Electronic Health Record
Huixue Zhou, Greg Silverman, Zhongran Niu, Jenzi Silverman, Roni Evans, Robin Austin and Rui Zhang
10:50 - 11:10 AM A Preliminary Study of Extracting Pulmonary Nodules and Nodule Characteristics from Radiology Reports Using Natural Language Processing
Shuang Yang, Xi Yang, Tianchen Lyu, Xing He, Dejana Braithwaite, Hiren Mehta, Yi Guo, Yonghui Wu and Jiang Bian
11:10 - 11:30 AM Integrating Medical Code Descriptions and Building Text Classification Models for Diagnostic Decision Support
Rui Tang, Zhaowei Zhu, Haishen Yao, Yanxuan Li, Xingzhi Sun, Gang Hu, Yichong Li and Guotong Xie
11:30 - 11:50 AM Canine parvovirus diagnosis classification utilizing veterinary free-text notes
Zhecheng Sheng, Emma Bollig, Jennifer Granick, Rui Zhang and Amanda Beaudoin
11:50- 12:10 PM Terminology Expansion via Co-occurrence Analysis of Large Clinical Real-World Datasets
Markus Kreuzthaler, Bastian Pfeifer and Stefan Schulz
Saturday, June 11, 8:30AM - 13:40 PM @Suite 110

The 2nd International Workshop on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Zoom Zoom Link for Virtual Participants:

Saturday, June 11, 9:00AM - 13:00 PM Virtual Session @Microsoft Teams

The 2nd Machine Learning in Healthcare Data for Precision Medicine

Microsoft Teams Link:

Workshop Chair: Sultan Turhan

Time Presentation
9:00 - 9:15 Welcome
9:15 - 9:35 Keynote Speech
Sultan Turhan
9:35 - 9:55 3864 - An xAI Thick Data Assisted Caption Generation for Labeling Severity of Ulcerative Colitis Video Colonoscopy
Jinan Fiaidhi
9:55 - 10:15 8693 - Value-Based Healthcare Translational Data Analytics using the Problem Oriented Medical Record Graph Representation
Sabah Mohammed
10:15 - 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 - 12:05 6411 - Improving Prediction and Risk Factor Analysis of Low Birthweight Baby Outcomes in a U.S. Hospital System
Yang Ren
12:05 - 12:25 6513 - Using D-dimer as a Biomarker to Predict COVID-19 Disease Severity from Clinical Data of Hospitalized Patients: A Machine Learning Approach
Yuqi Wu
12:25 - 12:45 7570 - Acute Kidney Injury Prediction with Gradient Boosting Decision Trees enriched with Temporal Features
Stela Golovco
12:45 - 13:00 Closing Remarks
Saturday, June 11, 8:30AM - 12:00 PM @Suite 112

Tutorial 1: Computational Drug Target Prediction: Benchmark and Experiments

Zoom Zoom Link for Virtual Participants:

Dr. Nansu Zong and Dr. Victoria Ngo

Despite the rapid development of a variety of biological assays improving the efficiency of drug screening, the potentially large number of combinations of drugs and targeted proteins make experimental screening remain laborious and expensive. As such, computational (in silico) methods have become popular and are commonly applied for pre-screening. This tutorial will provide participants with experience in conducting computational experiments for drug target predictions.

In the tutorial, the participants will firstly theoretically review the history of computational drug target prediction. The methods, datasets, and how the experiments are designed will be introduced. Later, the participants will be introduced to a data set, Linked Multipartite Network (LMN), a heterogeneous network that incorporates 12 repositories and includes 7 types of biomedical entities (#20,119 entities, # 194,296 associations). The participants will learn how to use LMN to facilitate drug target prediction, including computational validation, and facilitate scientific discovery. Finally, participants will be introduced to some state-of-the-art computational methods, and practice the adoption of these methods to conduct the experiments by running the tasks with the given training and testing files generated in the LMN.

Through the proposed tutorial, participants, such as researchers and trainees, will understand the process of computational drug-target prediction and further learn how to adopt LMN as the dataset to facilitate the drug target prediction in practice as well as apply those skills in future studies.

Saturday, June 11, 8:30AM - 4:30 PM @Suite 113

Tutorial 2: Prescriptive Healthcare Analytics: a Tutorial on Discrete Optimization and Simulation

Zoom Zoom Link for Virtual Participants:

Dr. Elizabeth M. Williams, Dr. Paul R. Harper and Daniel Gartner

There has been recognition of the role that mathematical modelling and Operational Research (OR) have to play in decision making in healthcare. For the last 20 years and even more so than during the recent pandemic, mathematical models have been used for demand and capacity planning across many healthcare services including primary, secondary care and healthcare logistics. In this tutorial, we will provice an overview of different mathematical modelling techniques applied to healthcare but with a particular focus on two paradigms: Discrete Optimization as part of Mathematical Programming and Discrete Event Simulation. Participants will learn how to formulate models mathematically, implement them in Microsoft Excel and use non-commercial solvers to provide solutions of the models. Because in this first part, rather deterministic models are presented, we will introduce the concept of variation in a second part using Discrete Event Simulation.

Saturday, June 11, 1:30 - 4:30 PM @Suite 112

Tutorial 3: Data Science for Healthcare via an E-Learning Statistics Platform

Zoom Zoom Link for Virtual Participants:

Dr. Philipp Burckhardt, Dr. Saba Al-Sayouri and Dr. Rema Padman

In this tutorial, participants will discover how the ISLE e-learning platform can be used to deliver health informatics and analytics instruction.

Tutorial attendees will learn how to build lessons with ISLE through the accompanying authoring tool and how to monitor student progress and performance. In addition, we will discuss how to use clickstream data to improve material on the fly and iteratively improve subsequent lessons. No matter the mode of delivery, attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how to leverage hands-on activities and data analysis exercises to foster understanding of statistical concepts and skills.

Sunday, June 12

Sunday, June 12, 8:30 - 9:00 AM @Ballroom 2

Welcome Session

General Chairs: Hongfang Liu and Ravishankar K Iyer

Welcome Talk: Digital Transformation in Medicine: Past, Cur-rent and Future of Informatics and Technology at Mayo Clinic
James D. Buntrock

James D. Buntrock Abstract: In this welcome talk, I will provide a brief history of Mayo Clinic and highlight integrated medicine, informatics, and selected innovations. We will describe the critical roles played by IT, engineering, data science, informatics, and AI in the care of the tomorrow envisioned by Mayo Clinic's 2030 Cure Connect Transform strategy. I will summarize the opportunities and challenges faced in our mission which will require strong partnership from the technology and engineering communities.

Sunday, June 12, 9:00 - 10:00 AM @Ballroom 2

Keynote: Towards Impactful Clinical Evidence Powered by Informatics and Data Science
Dr. Chunhua Weng

Dr. Chunhua Weng Abstract: Robust clinical evidence is the foundation to evidence-based medicine (EBM). However, our clinical research enterprise faces multiple challenges and the PubMed evidence base is fraught with free-text evidence of mixed quality, preventing evidence adoption among clinicians and reducing the trust in science among patients. In this talk I will provide a high-level overview of my lab's research on developing informatics and data science methods to improve the impact of clinical evidence resulting from clinical trial research, spanning the continuum from evidence generation to evidence dissemination. I will cover issues such as informatics-based diversity optimization for clinical research enrollment, data-driven eligibility criteria optimization, scalable clinical evidence extraction and representation, and automated conflicting evidence detection for published clinical trial studies. I will conclude with research opportunities to developing informatics and data science methods to improve the robustness and computability of clinical evidence.

Sunday, June 12, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM @Suite 109

A1 Analytics Session 1: ML Methodology

New Variations of Random Survival Forests and Applications to Age-Related Disease Data
Tossapol Pomsuwan
V Sharing Time-to-Event Data with Privacy Protection
Luca Bonomi
S A novel method for handling Missing Not at Random Data in the electronic health records
Xinpeng Shen
S V A Transformer-based Model for Older Adult Behavior Change Detection
Fateme Akbari
S Effects of Information Masking in the Task-Specific Finetuning of a Transformers-Based Clinical Question-Answering Framework
Jungwei Fan
Sunday, June 12, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM @Suite 110

A2 Analytics Session 2: Imaging

S V AGMC-TU Pap-Smear Cytological Image Dataset: Creation, Annotation, and Analysis towards Early Detection of Cervical Cancer
Sourav Dey Roy
S V Bayesian optimization-derived batch size and learning rate scheduling in deep neural network training for head and neck tumor segmentation
Haifeng Wang
S V Deep Ensemble Network with Meta-Model Architecture to Early Detect the Vascular Damage Caused by Retinopathy
Muhammad Zubair Khan
S V Eating detection with a head-mounted video camera
Shengjie Bi
S V Visualization and Qualitative Analysis of Rehabilitation Exercises Based on a Mobile App
Oluwadamilola Arinde
Sunday, June 12, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM @Suite 111

A3 Analytics Session 3: PGHD and Text Analytics

V Combining Attention-based Models with the MeSH Ontology for Semantic Textual Similarity in Clinical Notes
Noushin Salek Faramarzi
S A comparison of few-shot and traditional named entity recognition models for medical text
Yao Ge
S Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis of Radiology Patient Experience Surveys: A Cohort Study
Kurt Miller
S Graph-Augmented Cyclic Learning Framework for Similarity Estimation of Medical Clinical Notes
Can Zheng
S Mining Social Media Data to Predict COVID-19 Case Counts
Manar Samad
Sunday, June 12, 1:00 - 2:00 PM @Ballroom 2

Keynote Speech 2
Leveraging Digital Therapeutics for Health Literacy: A Systems Perspective
Dr. Rema Padman

Dr. Rema Padman Abstract: Health literacy is a widely recognized challenge for public health, with many adults lacking the requisite skills to engage successfully in the management of their health and healthcare. Affecting both individual and societal health outcomes, it particularly exacerbates the increasing physical and psychological burden for patients with multiple health conditions as well as the elderly and disadvantaged populations. Recent developments in digital therapeutic solutions offer an opportunity to apply systems thinking and perspectives to synthesize the myriad components of a multi-pronged approach to improving societal health literacy at scale. This talk will highlight some of these developments with a focus on digital platforms and algorithmic artifacts in the healthcare delivery setting, recognizing the challenges of misinformation and disinformation in identifying and disseminating authoritative and accurate content for educating and empowering patients and the public.

Sunday, June 12, 2:30 - 4:00 PM @Suite 109

A4 Analytics Session 4: Healthcare Analytics

A Network-based Modeling Approach to Identify the Common Disease Classes in Patients with Late-stage Prostate Cancer
Michal Monselise
V Multi-modal Contrastive Learning for Healthcare Data Analytics
Rui Li
S V Dynamic Network Connectivity Analysis for Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Haifeng Wang
S Biventricular involvement in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Preliminary analysis of cardiac MRIs with visual Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Devanshi Damani
S V Identify Cancer Patients at Risk for Heart Failure using Electronic Health Record and Genetic Data
Zehao Yu
Sunday, June 12, 2:30 - 4:00 PM @Suite 110

S1 System Session 1: Design and Development

Design of a Virtual Cocaine Consumption Scenario for Craving Study
Flavien Lecuyer
V tinyCare: A tinyML-based Low-Cost Continuous Blood Pressure Estimation on the Extreme Edge
Mohamed Hassan
S Efficient and Private ECG Classification on the Edge Using a Modified Split Learning Mechanism
Ahmad Ayad
S V Quality Control of Whole Slide Images using the YOLO Concept
Kimia Hemmatirad
S Radiology Text Analysis System (RadText): Architecture and Evaluation
Yifan Peng
Sunday, June 12, 2:30 - 4:00 PM @Suite 111

H1 Human Factors Session 1: Human-centered Design

V Modeling the Impact of Social Determinants of Health on COVID Behaviors in Older Adults using the All of Us Dataset
Phillip Ma
S V Different Length, Different Needs: Qualitative Analysis of Threads in Online Health Communities
Daniel Diethei
S Electro-Mechanical Data Fusion for Heart Health Monitoring
Kemal Yakut
Sunday, June 12, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, and Monday, June 13, 3:00 - 4:00 PM @Ballroom 1

Poster & Demo Session

Board Number: X

1 A Mobile Application for Alzheimer's Caregivers
Nafees Qamar
2 A Novel Joint Longitudinal Model for Predicting Post-ICU Anemia
Gabriel Demuth and Curtis Storlie
3 Annotations of Virus Data for Knowledge Enrichment
Patrizia Vizza, Giuseppe Tradigo, Pietro Hiram Guzzi, Barbara Puccio, Mattia Prosperi, Carlo Torti and Pierangelo Veltri
4 Automated Cobb Angle Measurement in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Validation of a Previously-Published Deep Learning Method
Shi Yan, Caroline Constant, Taghi Ramazanian, Hilal Maradit Kremers and A. Noellel Larson
5 Automated Detection of Type of Scoliosis Surgery from Operative Notes Using Natural Language Processing
Elham Sagheb, Hilal Maradit Kremers, Sunghwan Sohn, Taghi Ramazanian and Noelle Larson
6 Bayesian Change Point Detection for Mixed Data with Missing Values
Alexander Murph and Curtis Storlie
7 Decompensation Prediction for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
Meghna Singh, Jiacheng Liu, Lisa Kirkland and Jaideep Srivastava
8 DeLaBE: A Deep Learning architecture for Bio-images enhancing
Patrizia Vizza, Mattia Cannistra, Giuseppe Tradigo, Giuseppe Lucio Cascini, Pietro Hiram Guzzi and Pierangelo Veltri
9 Does comorbidity matrix provide similar amount of predictive information: Comparisons from Charlson and Elixhauser using Deep Learning
Prajwal Pradhan, Yue Liang, Pui Ying Yew, Matt Loth, Terrence Adam, Jennifer Robinson, Peter Tonellato and Chin-Lin Chi
10 Usability of Electronic Health Records from Nurses' Perspectives: A Systematic Review
Suhyun Park, Jenna Marquard, Robin Austin, David Pieczkiewicz, Connie Delaney
11 Enabling Biomedical Semantic Knowledge Resource's Paths with the K-Ware Platform
Bruno Thiao-Layel, Vianney Jouhet, Guillaume Blin and Gayo Diallo
12 Evaluation of Document-Level Identification of Pulmonary Nodules in Radiology Reports Using FLAIR Natural Language Processing Framework
Ray Qian, Sunyang Fu and Hongfang Liu
13 Evaluation of mCODE Coverage in EHR: a Scoping Review of Cancer Natural Language Processing
Liwei Wang, Sunyang Fu, Andrew Wen, Xiaoyang Ruan, Huan He, Sijia Liu, Sungrim Moon, Michelle Mai, Irbaz Riaz, Nan Wang, Ping Yang, Hua Xu, Jeremy L. Warner and Hongfang Liu
14 HaLowNet - A WiFi HaLow network-based information system for the provision of multi-sided applications for medical emergency scenarios
Justus Purat, Nicolas J. Lehmann, Muhammed-Ugur Karagülle and Agnès Voisard
15 Improving Covid-19 vaccine literacy among undergraduate students in Burkina Faso
Michel J Some, Roland Benedikter, Rasmané Yameogo, Ibrahim Traoré, Gayo Diallo, Ismaïla Ouedraogo and Ghislain Atemezing
16 Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT): Towards a Digital Chain of Custody
Lalitha Donga, Rajendra K. Raj and Sumita Mishra
17 Machine Learning for Predicting Cancer Severity
Alex Qin, Md Rakibul Hasan, Khandaker Asif Ahmed and Md Zakir Hossain
18 MedTator: A Serverless Web-based Tool for Corpus Annotation
Huan He, Sunyang Fu, Liwei Wang, Andrew Wen, Sijia Liu and Hongfang Liu
19 Mining Transportation Issues from Patient Portal Messages
Nan Wang, Ming Huang and Jungwei Fan
20 Mitigating Membership Inference in Deep Learning Applications with High Dimensional Genomic Data
Chonghao Zhang and Luca Bonomi
21 MTAP - A Distributed Framework for NLP Pipelines
Benjamin Knoll, Reed McEwan, Raymond Finzel, Greg Silverman, Rui Zhang, Serguei Pakhomov and Genevieve Melton
22 Multi-perspective Characterization of Anaphylactic Risk for COVID-19 Vaccination - A Visual Analytic Approach
Yue Hao and Guoray Cai
23 On the identification of PoIs in glucosimeter data
Patrizia Vizza, Giuseppe Tradigo, Francesco Scala, Raffaele Giancotti, Pietro Hiram Guzzi, Concetta Irace, Sergio Flesca and Pierangelo Veltri
24 Machine Learning Models To Predict Length Of Stay In Hospitals
Raunak Jain, Mrityunjai Singh, A. Ravishankar Rao, and Rahul Garg
25 A Deep Learning Based Predictive Model for Healthcare Analytics
Nguyen Duy Thong Tran, Carson Leung, Evan W.R. Madil and Phan Thai Bin
26 Racial Disparities in Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias from the Disease Progression Perspective
Haozuo Zhao, Haitao Chu, Sicheng Zhou, Fang Yu, Xianghua Luo and Rui Zhang
27 SurgeRate - An approach to the evaluation of the performance of veterinary surgeons
Nicolas J. Lehmann, Muhammed-Ugur Karagülle, Lea R. Muth, Stefan Schmid, Agnès Voisard, Laura Rohwedder and Peter Böttcher
28 Visualizing the Interpretation of a Criterion-Driven System that Automatically Evaluates the Quality of Health News: An Exploratory Study of Two Approaches
Xiaoyu Liu and Susan McRoy

Monday, June 13

Monday, June 13, 7:30 - 8:45 AM @zoom

Virtual Special Session

Open disscusion

Monday, June 13, 7:30 - 8:45 AM @Suite 109

Women in Healthcare Informatics

Monday, June 13, 9:00 - 10:00 AM @Ballroom 2

Keynote: Designing Health IT to Support Team Cognition and Clinical Work: A Human Factors and Socio-Technical Systems Approach
Dr. Ayse P. Gurses

Dr. Ayse P. Gurses Abstract: Health care is increasingly provided in team-based environments, yet little is known about how to design health IT solutions that support care team members' cognition (e.g., information needs, problem detection, communication, coordination, etc.) and clinical work. This is especially true for time-pressured, high-risk, high stakes care situations such as trauma care that involves multiple specialties, and is provided in multiple care locations (e.g., trauma bay, operating room, intensive care unit). In this presentation, I will first discuss how we used a human factors and a socio-technical systems approach to characterize the team work involved in caring for pediatric trauma care patients, including barriers to and enablers for team cognition. I will then describe the human-centered design approach we used to develop a team-centric health IT to support pediatric trauma care. Finally, I will conclude my talk with some health IT design considerations and recommendations for supporting health care team work and 'lessons learned' from our human-centered design process.

Monday, June 13, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM @Suite 109

A5 Analytics Session 5: Prediction & Classification

Cough Diary based on Sound Classification, Source Validation and Event Detection
Jeffrey Okyere
Reconstructing Missing EHRs Using Time-Aware Within- and Cross-Visit Information for Septic Shock Early Prediction
Ge Gao
S Classifying Drug Ratings Using User Reviews with Transformer-Based Language Models
Akhil Shiju
S Risk-Based Breast Cancer Prognosis Using Minimal Patient Characteristics
Kanika Sood
Monday, June 13, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM @Suite 110

S2 System Session 2: Wearables & Monitoring

PAMS - A Personalized Automatic Messaging System for User Engagement with a Digital Diabetes Prevention Program
Danissa Rodriguez
V Predicting A User's Demographic Identity from Leaked Samples of Health-Tracking Wearables and Understanding Associated Risks
Sudip Vhaduri
The Visual Accelerometer: A High-fidelity Optic-to-Inertial Transformation Framework for Wearable Health Computing
Chenhan Xu
S V Practicality of Automatic Monitoring Sufficient Fluid Intake for Older People
Rainer Lutze
Monday, June 13, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM @Suite 111

H2 Human Factors Session 2: Self Management

V A Qualitative Study of Family Caregivers' Technology Use in Alzheimer's Disease Care
Yun Qu
A Tale of Two Perspectives: Harvesting System Views and User Views to Understand Patient Portal Engagement
Jiawei Zhou
S Patient Portal Adoption, Use, and Satisfaction among U.S. Adults in Late-stage COVID-19 Pandemic
Tera L. Reynolds
S A Systematic Review of Healthcare Information Technology Anomaly Classification
Laura Pullum
S Human-centered Design for a Chronic Disease Management System: An explorative case for Cystic Fibrosis
Maximilian Kurscheidt
Monday, June 13, 1:00 - 2:30 PM @Suite 109

A6 Analytics Session 6: Event Prediction

Audio-Based Cough Detection in Clinic Waiting Rooms
Yumna Anwar
V EventScore: An Automated Real-time Early Warning Score for Clinical Events
Ibrahim Hammoud
Reduce the Cold Start of COVID-19 In-hospital Mortality Prediction Models via Transfer Learning
Jiacheng Liu
S Detection of Dementia Signals from Longitudinal Clinical Visits Using One-Class Classification
Sunghwan Sohn
Monday, June 13, 1:00 - 2:30 PM @Suite 110

A7 Analytics Session 7: Visualization & Explainable AI

Core-set Selection Using Metrics-based Explantations (CSUME) for multiclass ECG
Sagnik Dakshit
S A Collaborative Platform Supporting Distributed Teams in Visualization and Analysis of Infectious Disease Data
Florian Vögtle
S Alcohol Status Standardization from Clinical Real World Data with Transformer Architectures
Amila Kugic
S An Interactive Visualization Tool for Medication (Re)fill Adherence: A Case Study of Pharmacy Claims-derived Adherence Measures in Asthmatics
Kevin Gorman
S V LIVE: A Local Interpretable model-agnostic Visualizations and Explanations
Peichang Shi
Monday, June 13, 1:00 - 2:30 PM @Suite 111

H3 Human Factors Session 3: AI-based Applications

A Novel IoT-based Framework for Non-Invasive Human Hygiene Monitoring using Machine Learning Techniques
Md Jobair Hossain Faruk
Oculo-Cognitive Addition Test: Quantifying Cognitive Performance During Variable Cognitive Workload Through Eye Movement Features
Kate Hagen
S V Designing AINA - Intercultural Human-Centered Design of an AI-based application for supporting the diagnosis of Female Genital Schistosomiasis
Muhammed-Ugur Karagülle
S Factors Facilitating the Acceptance of Diagnostic Robots in Healthcare: A Survey
Jannik S. Pedersen
S The Impact of 3D Stereopsis and Hand-Tool Alignment on Effectiveness of a VR-based Simulator for Dental Training
Peter Haddawy
Monday, June 13, 3:00 - 4:00 PM @Ballroom 1

Poster Session

Same schedule as the Poster and Demo Session on Sunday, June 12

Tuesday, June 14

Tuesday, June 14, 8:30 - 9:30 AM @Ballroom 2

Keynote: Toward a Learning Health System: Enabling the National Knowledge Ecosystem at Scale
Dr. Blackford Middleton

Dr. Blackford Middleton Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Middleton will highlight the essential informatics building blocks of an enabled Learning Health System, and key AI-driven components. He will talk first about modern clinical information needs, his early experiences building CDS tools in EHR, the central problem of knowledge exchange between EHRs, and the concerns regarding evaluation of a man-machine (AI)-patient triad in decision making going forward. If a shared vision is adopted across industry and academe, and enabled, he will describe one possible result: a National Knowledge Ecosystem to support a LHS.

Tuesday, June 14, 9:30 - 10:00 AM @Ballroom 2

Panel: Bridging the gaps between academia and industry for health informatics

Dr. Blackford Middleton, Dr. Andrew Nguyen, Dr. Prasanna Desikan, Dr. Xia Hu

Tuesday, June 14, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM @Ballroom 2

Industry Session

S IMI-CDE: an interactive interface for collaborative mapping of study variables to common data elements
Shiqiang Tao, Wei-Chun Chou, Jianfu Li, Jingcheng Du, Pritham Ram, Rashmie Abeysinghe, Xiaoqian Jiang, Peter W Rose, Lucila Ohno-Machado, Hua Xu and Guo-Qiang Zhang
S Entity Event Knowledge Graph for Powerful Health Informatics
Ravi Bajracharya, Richard Wallace, Jans Aasman and Parsa Mirhaji
S RWD Analytics Engineering, Bridging the Gap between IT and Data Science
Andrew Nguyen
S LANN: an integrated online annotation tool for information extraction
Jingqi Wang, Yaoyun Zhang, Bin Lin, Huy Anh Pham, Long He, Jingcheng Du and Frank Manion
S Improving healthcare workforce efficiency using machine learning and predictive analytics
Daniel Quest
S RecordTime – An Internally-Developed Web Application to Ease the Pain of Reviewing PDF Medical Records
Kevin Peterson
Tuesday, June 14, 12:00 - 12:30 PM @Ballroom 2

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